"Here's to Madeleine"

And thus, Dave the... admires the tea spoon, carefully packaged in a plastic bag - hygenic and handy. I walk on the wildside, but when it comes to tea 'Be prepared', that's my motto.

The tea is poured (a blend of Earl Grey and Kenyan Njunu) and left to cool...

Ah, egg and tomato sandwiches - yummy. Well done Dave the... these are slurpolicious!

Time to drink a toast to our blogging friend, so far away in Australia. "Here's to Madeleine!" we boomed, with gusto. Huzzah to that!!!
We could form a duo called, "Coated & Bloated", and wear feathers in our berets. I could wear zip-up suede granny boots with fur lining, and you could have curly toed poulaines. We could be the punks of folk; not having any talent, just hatitude. We could...
Thanks guys, I really enjoyed that cup of tea (actually I hate tea!! So mine would be coffee or coke), but the egg and tomatoe sandwiches, must try them and think of youse guys while I'm eating.
Where's the blog Dave the Dan? It's like waiting for Godot!
I agree. He's being a lazy sod, isn't he, Colin.
I'm still waiting Dan the Man for your blog !!! You're a bit slack, buddy aren't you.
I needed a pick up today, so I reread this blog. Thanks again, Colin. Just the cuppa I needed.
Who's Rosie M? I guess anyone can join our merry band if we like them, they don't say that horrible "L" word, they are crazy, write silly things. Sounds like most people I know LOL.
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