When I was a kid, I had an Uncle who had a haircut like this (yeh, and he was a right fanny with ears too, I can tell you! Psst, Alison &Tracy, I'm talking about Uncle George*) This moment in time (circa 1973) was a kind of mania - a collective delusion. I look at this guy and wonder - genuinely wonder -
what he was thinking at the time he walked into the barbers (no poncy hairdressers for blokes then of course!) and asked for this 'look'. I wonder too, if he was pleased as he strode down the street, strutting his stuff.
My mate rosiemosy, wrote a cracking little piece about her dalliance with 'Big Hair' (
My Stuff). Although it looks a bit kooky now, it is a billion miles more credible than this monstrosity of a haircut. The universality of cackness that this represents, surely transcends time, place and culture - apart, that is, from hip and happening Britain in the early '70's. For a fateful blink of time, this was '
the Look'
* Alison's my lil sister; Tracy's my cousin.
Now that's kewl hair Colin. I reckon it came back when I was a teenager LOL.
Ooooh that's scary. Happy birthday big brother xxx
krewl hair rosymosie - a devil's haircut!
Thanks Al, having a bizarre day!! :-)
... and I'm well chuffed that my sister can comment on here without being a member of Blogger. I like open forums.
You will like it until you get spam comments LOL. I got some of them.
'Sculptural magnificence'! Wow, like that Tracy. Bet that look is still with them over there, aint it? It is good to hear from you. I like that non-members can put their five cents worth in around here. Cool.
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