I've got my soft sides, my hard sides; my insides, my outside - and a more than ample backside. I am not a 'what you see is what you get' kind of guy, because I am a bit of a puzzle, even unto myself.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Dave the Dan teaches me a new fact...
Dave the Dan, the man of five coats in the cold, telling me something I did not know until this moment. He tells me that all the oak in these churches would once have been as light a hue as this contemporary wooden screen behind him. The oak darkens with age; a natural process. Well, I didn't know that Dave the Dan, the man of five coats in the cold. I like the cut of yer gib, yer multi-coated scruffian.
It's funny rosymosie, it is easy to forget that old things were new once. I am so used to seeing the really dark patina of medieval wooden furniture, that this point just clear passed me by.
Dave the Dan, the man of five coats, needed all those layers - twas fuckn freeeeeezin!!!!
Does that mean that "old things can be new" Colin? When I think about some people, and most certainly my aged parents, they seem to have the same grain and texture.The newness about them is only in my view and it could just be the moss and mildew. Ken (PKAKFKAF)
The screen was also used to hide the modesty of the bell-ringers, who in olden times when every thing had an e on the end.. would on St Keith's day ring their bells in the nuddy.
Dave the Dan, the man of five coats is just soooo cute and cuddly
I know that pine darkens with age, becomes almost a maple coulour. We don't get a lot of oak here in Australia.
It's funny rosymosie, it is easy to forget that old things were new once. I am so used to seeing the really dark patina of medieval wooden furniture, that this point just clear passed me by.
Dave the Dan, the man of five coats, needed all those layers - twas fuckn freeeeeezin!!!!
Clever Dave the Dan, the man of five coats for picking it up.
I'm glad neither of you froze your little........ off. LOL
Does that mean that "old things can be new" Colin? When I think about some people, and most certainly my aged parents, they seem to have the same grain and texture.The newness about them is only in my view and it could just be the moss and mildew. Ken (PKAKFKAF)
Ok, Mr Ken. What does PKAKFKAF mean????
previously known as kenoath, formerly known as fuken.
Got it. LOL. Thanks PKAKFKAF. Thanks to copy and paste I can be sure of spelling it right.
The screen was also used to hide the modesty of the bell-ringers, who in olden times when every thing had an e on the end.. would on St Keith's day ring their bells in the nuddy.
St Keithe's daye
Dave the Dan Many Coats
Nuddy bell ringers! St Keith's Day!! Are you unhinged man!!!
Ooooh, you're sooooooo cute and cuddly coat man!
I went through the link to your new blog mate, but it wouldn't let me look in your pockets :-(
He is cute and cuddly coat man dan the dave LOL. But he lies about his blog. It don't hexist. Cheeky boy.
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